
SneakPeek Early Gender Test

Did you know with SneakPeek’s Early DNA Test, you can find out the gender of your baby as early as 8 weeks gestation with over 99% accuracy?! That’s so exciting to me! Did you find out the gender of your baby/babies before birth? We decided it would be fun to find out if baby number three is a little guy or gal!

The test itself is super easy to carry out and send back. Then it’s on you patiently wait for your results! Results will be emailed directly to you within 48 hours of your sample arriving at the SneakPeek lab.

The kit includes detailed instructions explaining step-by-step how to do the test. You are sent everything you need to collect your sample, right down to the bandaid for your finger. Once I took my sample, repackaged it and attached the shipping label, I dropped it off at USPS and I received my results just two days later.

We’re so excited to announce that joining our two little ladies in the Summer of 2021 is ANOTHER little LADY! It’s funny how a mother’s intuition works. I always imagined myself as a mom of all girls and now here we are!

SneakPeek Gender Test

Since SneakPeek detects male DNA only (which is why it’s important to follow all sanitizing instructions given as even your male pet could contaminate your sample) we were confident our baby was indeed a female and of course, my anatomy scan confirmed this.

It was a fun experience and I highly recommend SneakPeek to expectant moms who are way too excited to wait! 

SneakPeek kindly gave me a discount code to share with you! For the entire month of April enter code, SPIAPR04 for $10 off the Standard test or $20 off the FastTrack test (US Only).







SneakPeek Gender Test